Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears... OH MY!!

Ok, so maybe there were just Tigers, but I had to get your attention somehow. The last stop on Noi's tour was the Tiger Kingdom. Before we went exploring, we all had to grab some food, as we were starving (it's exhausting going back to school with a bunch of monkeys!). They had a buffet at the tiger kingdom, which was really fun, as we got to eat and watch the tigers. The cool thing about the Tiger Kingdom is that you are able to go in with the Tigers and pet them. And apparently it's perfectly safe, well at least I'm back here to blog about it.

After lunch, (which involved a Singha photo shoot, seen in this album), Jenny, Abi and I were off to pet the tigers. Jeff had already done this before, so he chilled and waited for us, probably the safe bet!! So we decided to go in with the 4 or 5 month old Tigers. It was awesome to be in the cage, petting the tigers, but I definately felt nervous a few times. Looking at the pictures, you can see that even at this age, they are very big. There was one time I was pretty close to one, petting it, and a bird made a sound, which caused the tiger to flinch, and it ended up staring at me. I felt that helpless rush, knowing that if it wanted too, it could take me out just like that. Thankfully, even at that age, they are trained NOT to do that!

After our 15 min's w/ the Tigers, we walked around and checked out some of the larger tigers (from outside the cages this time). The last cage we saw had one of the hugest tigers I had ever seen, and it was just beautiful looking. We hung out there for a while, snaping some pictures, and watching Abi have a look-off with the tiger. This prompted him to attack the fence a few times, thank God for that fence! Check out the picture links for a lot of really good photos of the Tigers!


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